
Kim Ahiuna

A place holder image of Kim

A temporary image of jay

You know the drill placeholder.
General Info
Species Yellow Tailed Tuna
Age 22
Height 3"2
"To experience the deep sea is to realize how beautiful silence is."

Kim is one of the many fish warriors from the Iron Sea, and the youngest swordsman in his clan. Reserved by nature, Kim speaks in poetry or haiku, rarely engaging in ordinary conversation. He occasionally appears alongside Jay, usually during incidents where Jay’s adventurous spirit and love for exploration seem to be at the heart of the trouble. Though Kim tends to assume Jay is the cause of such incidents, their contrasting personalities often create an intriguing dynamic.


>Kim is a quiet and introspective individual, preferring to speak in poetic phrases or haiku rather than in straightforward conversation. His words often carry a subtle, philosophical tone, using calm wisdom or cryptic expressions. Even when expressing emotions like frustration or sadness, Kim continues to communicate with this poetic style, choosing his words carefully to reflect his thoughts in a more profound way. Though his reserved nature may make him seem distant, his poetic speech reveals the depth of his reflections and emotions.


Kim has striking blue hair, vibrant yellow eyes, and sky-blue skin, complemented by a yellow underbelly. He wears a traditional blue samurai kimono, secured with a white belt tied neatly around his waist. Completing his look, he dons wooden sandals


"Roots meet drifting wave, A tree bends where waters touch— Then parts with the tide."

Kim sees Jay more like a temporary companion than a close friend. He’s fine with Jay being around for their adventures, but once they’re over, Kim prefers his own space. To him, Jay’s kind of like a passing wave—there for a moment, then gone. Plus, Jay’s a little too carefree and distant for Kim to feel a real connection.

"Fire sings to flesh, Picky’s pot, a whispered threat— Will I be the next"

Kim’s a bit uneasy around Picky. It’s not that he dislikes him, but Picky’s habit of narrating his cooking weirds Kim out, especially when fish is involved. He can’t help but worry he might end up as the next ingredient. To Kim, Picky’s pot feels like a constant reminder of how thin the line is between being a friend or fest.

"Demon's vessel rests, Stirs the sea with foreign breath— Nature’s peace defiled."

Kim finds Azel kind of annoying. Azel’s ship doesn’t really cause much harm, it just uses ocean water to cool its machinery, but Kim still sees it as pollution that messes with the natural balance of the sea. This small issue has created some tension between them, and Kim often feels like Azel is intruding on the sanctity of his ocean home. Even though they’ve had a few nice moments together, Kim’s deep connection to the sea makes it hard for him to fully accept Azel’s presence.

"Two blades in silence, The teacher guides, yet we are as one— Currents flow as kin."

Kim and Sarira stand as equals within their ranks, though Koi often assumes the role of a teacher for the others in their community. They live together in an abandoned, water-logged building, surrounded by fellow fish people—six of whom show signs of higher intelligence, while the rest remain more primitive, wandering butt-naked, crafting spears from seashells and coral. Kim and Koi fish frequently spar and train.