
Jay Gigashima

Jay Gigashima

A temporary image of jay

This is a place holder jay image.
General Info
Species Bonsai Tree
Age 34
Height 3"1
"How about we just sleep instead?"

Jay is the husband of Mana and the father of Nano and Stacy. He is a humanoid bonsai tree, standing only 3 feet tall. Jay has no knowledge of his biological parents, as he was raised by goblins, whom he considers his real parents. He is relatively calm but somewhat airheaded. Jay enjoys spending most days gardening or going on small adventures to pass the time, sometimes exploring abandoned locations in search of treasure.


Jay is mostly laid-back and talkative compared to Mana. Unlike most of his family, Jay spends most of his time gardening and lying in the grass, not paying much attention to what’s happening around him unless it begins to inconvenience him, in which case he becomes upset.


Jay has black, leaf-like hair, which was originally green. He typically wears a sky-blue collared shirt, brown shorts with a black belt, and a pair of dark shoes with socks poking out. On occasion, he wields a wooden hammer.


"So little yet so cute."

Jay has the closest relationship with Mana. As they are married, they spend most of their time together at home but also go out occasionally. Their conversations often revolve around how their day has been or involve requests for a duel, though Jay sometimes prefers gardening or eating over fighting. They show their affection in unique ways, either through their typical duels or by curling up together like cats in bed.

"Lets play some card games dad!"

Jay has a close relationship with his daughter Stacy. They often talk, and Stacy turns to Jay for advice, whether it's useful or not. Jay is the only one who encourages Stacy to have more of a backbone and pursue what she wants rather than just doing what others ask of her. After their conversations, they always end up playing a tabletop game together.

"you love causing trouble dont you? "

Nano's relationship with her dad is somewhat close, though they don’t get along as well as they used to. Although Jay doesn’t dislike Nano, her constant antics and attitude often make him agitated, especially when he has to bail her out of real trouble. While they do have moments of bonding, these are frequently interrupted by Nano herself.

"Do you...this is emberrassing to say but do you know any guys who are single? "

Jay and Ross are somewhat friends, though they are more friends with Mana than with each other. Mana often brings Jay along when she goes out with Ross, sometimes asking Jay to help with Ross's poor love life. While they do interact, their interactions are often quite awkward.


Picky is Jay's best friend and is considered a cousin by Jay, even though they have no actual family relation.

"Pleaase ill give you this much if you wear it~ "

Jay and Azel's relationship is one of love and hate. Originally a threat to the entire world, Azel later abandoned his plan to terraform it. Despite being friends, Jay still has a few gripes with Azel, mainly due to the constant gifts Azel gives him—such as dresses, heels, lipsticks, and eyeshadows. Jay is aware of the intentions behind these gifts. The reasons Azel has these feelings for Jay are unclear, and it's also puzzling why Jay hasn't put an end to these advances.


  1. the reason behind Jays black hair is because mana left a hickey on jays neck whiched injected a bit of venom from her bite, Although unaffected by the venom it did cause his hair to turn black
  2. Jay doesnt have to eat since he can photosynthesize but he enjoys the taste of food
  3. His name came from a instagram post when i asked people what i should name him one of the comments said to name him jay